Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why You Should Be Listening to Rock Right Now:

How Led Zeppelin Saved My Life

I scratched the stubble on my chin absentmindedly while looking over the so-called laws of supply and demand in my economics textbook. The ear-buds I had on were blasting Zep while my mind wandered. In response to a tickling at my ear, and with more than a little annoyance at the disturbance on my part, I flicked my hand over the ear and dislodged a bit of debris. The debris bounced off my head board and landed in my book. It landed on eight hairy legs and regarded me with eight black eyes.

My response was exactly that of Dr. Bruce Banner (post radiation therapy) or that of an angry toddler. Fist balled I struck down on that foul creature as though I was holding some giant rubber stamp and meant to make my mark. After two blows dodged by the shifty little terrorist (hiding in the *&^%@#^! crack of my book) I decided to eschew physical violence and instead bury him under thousands of economic facts, figures, formulas, and academic cartoons. It turns out that spiders haven't a head for numbers much above eight and he was a bit overwhelmed.

Gross, eh? It gets better! I had purchased these very ear-buds today because, get this, my old ones didn't have a functional left ear-bud. What this means is that my impulse purchase of new ear-buds kept the spider from --crawling into my ear--. I felt it run right towards my ear canal but wound up on the ear-bud instead.

At this point I offer my humble thanks to Adam Smith, Led Zeppelin, and Sony. And my teachers tell me that listening to high-voltage rock while studying is -bad- idea!


  1. Haha! For hating spiders so much you sure do have a lot of close calls! You know what I would have done... RRRRUUUUNNNN!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yeah, but now my econ book is full of spider guts :-(

  3. Pbbthpt. What do teachers know.

    Glad you escaped a close encounter of the icky kind.
